Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Real Life

This past week has been hectic trying to figure out my new schedule so I'll just sum it up. The weekend I got back from El Calafate, I did absolutely nothing. Molly and I were so tired we slept practically all day Sat. never leaving the apartment. And there was a huge thunder and lighting storm. Buenos Aires doesn't have "bad" weather often but when it does, it's normally a huge storm lasting the entire day. So it made staying inside a lot easier. And then Sunday it was a sunny 75 degree day. I went to the Recolta fair and watched some street performances. I also bought myself a leather bracelet. But because I have such tiny wrists the man had to custome fit mine by cutting one of the ones he had already made. It was pretty cool having him fix it for me right then and there.

Then Monday was my first day of classes for the Semester. My schedule looks like this:

Monday/Wednesday                                          Tuesday/Thursday
Latin American Culture 1:00-2:30                      Latin American Literature 1:00-2:30
Grammar 2:30-4:00                                            Cinema 2:30-4:00
                                                                           Tango 4:00-5:30

It's a really sweet schedule and I like all my professors. But I can tell after only 1 1/2 weeks my literature class is going to be my hardest. I had thought about playing soccer for the school team but practices were the same time as my tango class. So I was bummed about that. But then I met someone who had gone to the first practice, told me all about it, and I decided screw tango; I'm playing soccer! So I dropped the class. I only need 4 classes anyway to be considered a full time student. Women's soccer here isn't very common. So there are only 3 Argintine girls on the team, the rest are international students. We practice on Thursday's and have games on weekends. And we play 8vs8.

On Monday I finally made it to La Bomba the drum circle concert. It was a lot of fun. Lot's of music, ligths and high people. Pot is just as illegal here as it is in the states but this one party Monday nights seems to be the exception. There are always people selling brownies and cookies, right in front of cops who walk by. You can get two cookies for $2.50. I'm not sure if that is cheap or not. But according to my friends it's the best $2.50 they ever spent. Here are some pictures of the show:


This last thursday was St. Patrick's day and of course we went out. St. Patty's day here isn't huge with locals but is still big enough to close down a 10 block radius of downtown. It was a huge outdoor/street party for as far as you could see, with bars on every corner and everyone dressed in green. And on one street there was a live band playing.

So I'm on my second week of school and this Thursday and Friday is a national holiday so no school! Molly, Camille, and I are off to Mendoza. It's another big city in Argentina but right next to the Andes Mountains and about 14 hrs away from Buenos Aires. We are leaving tonight and taking a bus straight through the night. Mendoza is also famous for Wine tasting. So I think right now our plan is to go river rafting, wine tasting and then hike the tallest peak in the Andes in Aconcagua National Park. Really excited.

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