Monday, May 9, 2011

Parents come to visit

Ok so I'm going to skip the last month and hopefully get back to it. But right now the parents are here and that's a lot more exciting. So to sum it up I went to mendoza and my weekend consisted of: 1. 16 hr bus ride to Mendoza (with no food!) 2. Wine tasting 3. Hiking/exploring the Andes Mountains 4. Entering Chile for 20 min. 5. Friend's 21st birthday 6. River Rafting/trekking/Rappeling in the Andes Mountains 7. getting sick 8. 16 hr bus ride home back to Buenos Aires Then was Rosario another city 4 hrs away from buenos aires and just a few weeks ago I went IGUAZU. The largest waterfalls in the world. They were gorgeous, they make Niagara falls look like a stream... But now onto the parents.

Parents arrived 10am thursday morning. They rented an apartment from one of my host mom's friends, only 15 blocks away from me. So I met them there, said hey how's it going, got them situated and then said see you later. I had to go take a midterm... After soccer practice I came back and we went out to dinner. I couldn't actually believe i was having dinner with my parents. They are here in Argentina!

Friday morning we took the Subte (subway) downtown to Plaza de Mayo, where there is the government house and huge monument celebrating their indpendence day. Then about a 20 min walk away from down town there is an ecological reserve. So we spent the afternoon walking around and hanging out near the Atlantic Ocean. All long the street there are venders with grills cooking the most spectacular meat possible. So of course I had my parents try the infamous "choripan." It's more or less the Argentine version of a bratworst, but my favorite. Then after our hard day of "hiking" through the ecological reserve, we had beer and empenadas at a cafe in Puerto Madero. It might also be good to add that the ecological reserve is completely flat...

Saturday I had a soccer game about 40 min out of town. So just like at home they came to cheer me on. We took the train out there, played some intense soccer, and then came home. It was our first game and i was so excited to be playing again. We won 9-1 by the way...I guess it's a little unfair when the other team doesn't have any forgein girls. Soccer for girls here is very uncommon and they don't have many opportunities to play. On the train ride home there was a band playing in one of the carts. It was so cool! they had drums, a guitar set up to an amp system and then a singer. It was a good head bobing train ride home. We were starving afterwards so I took them to the park and we ate in a cafe outside. And once again we were serenaded by a cello and violin. I went home afterwards, chilled with my roommate and then went back to my parents around 9pm. I was going to show them the night life of Buenos Aires. Well the most of what I could anyway, seeing that nightlife here doesn't start until 2 and goes until 7am. So at 10pm my parents are ready to go out but I know not a whole lot will be happening so I suggested some card games and wine instead. I also introduced them to the drink called Mate. The drink consists of herbs and hot water, but for most foreigners it's really bitter. They weren't fans...But I enjoy it. It's a lot like tea and has the same stimulant as caffeine. So molly and I drink it all the time while stuyding. Anyway so after some wine and card games it's around it's time to head out. I took them to Plaza Serrano, a place we regularly go when we don't know where else to go. I was so proud of my parents. We actually were out until 3am!!! And it was my first time bar hoping with them. So much fun. We started at one bar, sitting outside. We had a drink and then moved to the next bar. At the second bar we sat outside as well but up on the terrace. Sadly when I take the parents out late they don't want to get up until 11am. So we had a late start Sunday morning.

Sunday we were supposed to hit up two fairs and a soccer game. But with our late start we only went to one fair. We went to Caminito in La Boca. It's a part of town that has about a 4 block radius with the most colorful houses you could ever think of. There were tango dancers in the street, hundreds of artwork, and lots of cafes lining the streets. It was so much fun to just walk around and people watch. We had a 2 hour lunch at a cafe, right in the middle of all the action. We then went to River stadium which is the local soccer team. We were hoping to get tickets to go to the game that evening but they don't accept credit cards and we didn't have enough cash on us. So we were unable to go sadly. But there is a chance that we will be going to a Boca vs River game next weekend. And for those who don't know, boca and river are the biggest rivals and it's the biggest game of the year. It's also not very safe for foreigners so they have a special section just for us. After having to sadly return with no tickets, I decided to take my parents to an asado. We had so much steak that the left overs will feed 3 people for another 2 meals. 


Here's one of the least 2 in. thick

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! It's so cool they visited you! Also I wrote a paper on the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, it's crazy that you're just there!
